How's it going, man? I'm a really big fan of your work, and really can relate with you when it comes to being really busy with things that seem to bog you down. For me those were my college days, always having things you want to do, but never having the time to do them. Fortunately, I have much more available time to commit towards things like projects and collaborations now that I'm graduated and self-sustained. I do work a full time job, however, my hours are flexible and I find myself with plenty of free time to dedicate towards anything I'd like. I have experience in writing, editing, animation (in-betweens), voice acting, and production in general so I feel like there would be at least something to bring to the table, if not a few things. If you have any questions feel free to contact me via Skype or Twitter (both should be EthanAlways), and please don't hesitate to ask about anything! Hope to hear from you soon! ~
I'd really like to help out but university is a pain between finals and etc. I'm sure you'll find someone great and put out more great animations. I loved your works so far. ^^