So the past few months I have been pretty busy with work, but with time passing I'm starting to have more time available for things, THINGS LIKE ANIMATING. So basically I'll keep this post short. Exactly as the title says im looking for a Cowriter for animations. If you think you got some great ideas and want to work together with me then I'd love to you have you! I can't really promise payment or anything because I don't make much of anything (if anything) from animation. Its just something thats started to become like a side hobby for me more than anything. But nevertheless I'm still looking to work with someone! If you want to be that someone, post a comment showing your interest or shoot me an email at (
I'd really like to help out but university is a pain between finals and etc. I'm sure you'll find someone great and put out more great animations. I loved your works so far. ^^